'/> Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Pola Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan) Yang Gampang Praktis

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Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Pola Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan) Yang Gampang Praktis

Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Pola Application Letter (Surat Lamaran
Pekerjaan) Yang Gampang Praktis
Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Pola Application Letter (Surat Lamaran
Pekerjaan) Yang Gampang Praktis

Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Contoh Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan) Yang Mudah & Praktis


Pengertian Application Letter

Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan (Application letter) adalah salah satu surat resmi berupa surat bisnis atau sebuah surat yang dipakai untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan disebuah Instansi Perusahaan atau di sebuah institusi baik Negeri maupun swasta.  Application Letter sering juga  disebut sebagai CV  atau Curricullum Vitae atau surat lamaran kerja. Sebuah surat lamaran kerja biasanya dikirim beserta aplikasi pekerjaan atau resume yang akan dikirim ke instansi atau perusahaan yang dituju.

Tips dan Cara Penulisan

 Cara Penulisan Dan Contoh Application Letter  Inilah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Contoh Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan) Yang Mudah  Praktis
Application Letter

Sahabat IBI, Surat lamaran kerja (Application Letter)  dalam Bahasa Inggris harus ditulis sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah tertentu. Agar kalian tidak melaksanakan kesalahan ketika menciptakan application letter, coba perhatikan beberapa tips dalam menulis sebuah CV Application Letter dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:


  • Didalam pembuatan surat lamaran hindarilah bahasa yang tidak pantas menyerupai bahasa slang atau jargon teknis dll.

  • Gunakanlah kalimat-kalimat yang singkat, informatif dan paragraf yang relative pendek.

  • Periksalah ejaan, tata bahasa, dan tanda baca dengan teliti dan hati-hati. Banyak sekali perusahaan yang membuang surat lamaran kerja, alasannya yakni kesalahan-kesalahan dalam penulisan.

  • Struktur perintah biasa surat aplikasi pekerjaan atau email posisi yang diterapkan untuk menawarkan judul pekerjaan sebagai judul, atau merujuk ke dalam kalimat pertama dari surat anda, memakai instruksi referensi bila ada. Ini akan memastikan bahwa surat lamaran anda sanggup eksklusif hingga ke orang yang sempurna pada perusahaan tersebut.

  • Kalian juga harus menyebutkan di mana anda melihat pekerjaan iklan atau di mana anda mendengar wacana lowongan.

Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :


Contoh Application Letter

Berkut yakni Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan yang sanggup kalian jadikan acuan.

Perhatikan ya..



Contoh 1


April 16, 2016



PT. Maju Mundur, Ltd.


Tanggamus, Lampung


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document Controller in your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science graduate of the Lampung University, Bandar Lampung.  I bring with me several years of experience as information systems analyst of leading companies that include Honda Motor Jakarta, Inc.

My strong computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software, and project management tools are but some of the things that make me an asset to your company.

Attached is my resume for your perusal. Should you require any further information, I can be reached at 632-555-1234 (during regular business hours), or at 632-555-6789 (during regular business hours).



Airlangga Panggabean

 Contoh 2


12 January, 2016


Ms. Siti Mariyah, M.Hum

Personnel Manager

Molen garing Company

Kedamaian, Bandar Lampung


Dear Ms. Siti Mariyah, M.Hum:

Your advertisement in the 4 January issue of the Pripun Lampung calls for an executive secretary who is proficient in communication skills, computer literate, and with pleasing personality.  I sincerely believe that I meet your requirements for the position.

I am Dian Haerani,  a graduate of Bachelor of Science, major in Psychology at Lampung University  December, 25, 2016 as a cum laude.

I consider as my assets: my proficiency in both written and spoken English and Filipino, my computer skills, and my leadership skills which were honed in my capacity as the editor in chief of my school’s student publication and as a durian payung Chairman of our Balangay.  I am hardworking, efficient, and highly driven, and I am willing to undergo pelatihan to further improve my capabilities.

For your perusal and evaluation, I have enclosed my resume which includes my special skills, pelatihan and accomplishments and awards as a student, and a photocopy of my official transcript of records for your evaluation.  Should you wish to ask about my personal traits and capabilities, I have also included a list of references for you.


I am very much willing to come over for a personal interview with you anytime during office hours.


Respectfully yours,


Dian Haerany

Contoh 3



Wonosobo, March  22th, 2016


Attention To:

HRD Manager


Jl. durian  No. 7

Palapa Tanjung karang Pusat  (12008)


Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read from your advertisement at Jobs DB that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for Teacher position according with my background educational as teaching education.

My name is Fatah Ahmadi, I am twenty three years old,  I was graduated from Ahmad Dahlan University. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team (team work) or individual. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have good command in English (oral and written).

With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. Herewith I enclose my :

  1.  Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.

  2.  Curriculum Vitae.

  3. Recent photograph with size of 4×6

I enclose my curriculum vittae for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience.



Joko Cahyono

Demikianlah Tips, Cara Penulisan Dan Contoh Application Letter dalam Bahasa Inggris, mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan, agar artikel ini sanggup membantu kalian dalam menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan, Tuliskan saran dan Komentar kalian dalam blog ini, selamat mencoba dan salam Sukses.

_Jangan lah Merasa Lelah Untuk Berbuat Kebaikan, Karena Alloh tidak merasa Lelah Mencatat apa yang kita lakukan_


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